  1. Paint the Moon

From the recording Wide World

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Paint the Moon

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Painted blue in the sand, I stand with my hands
Wrapped round the strings of a million things
With my face lifted up like an empty cup
From the bottom I wait with my arms lifted up
In the pale, pale blue of the night

I've been traveling long
I don't know if it's wrong
All I know is I'm missing a place for a song
And the moon will sing with me tonight

I'll paint the moon
Paint it high, paint it real, paint it bright
Paint the moon what I'm missing tonight

In these woods is a light, only comes with the night
In these woods, I feel all right
At the edge of the dark, I can see the marks
On these hands that are holding too tight
One's for you
One's for love
One's for all I'm made of
One's for letting go
One's for reaching up

Take me moon
Take me high, take me real, take me bright
Take me, I am missing tonight

In the heat of the sun, I know I have become
Unwilling to say that my love's been undone
So I come to you moon, I come

And I remember you
I remember your heart beating against mine
But the moon has a song I can count on
The moon will sing with me tonight

Paint me moon
Paint me high, paint me real, paint me bright
Paint me what I'm missing tonight

Paint me moon
Paint me high, paint me real, paint me bright
Paint me what I'm missing tonight